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SSR Options


Externalize the given dependencies and their transitive dependencies for SSR. By default, all dependencies are externalized except for linked dependencies (for HMR). If you prefer to externalize the linked dependency, you can pass its name to this option.

If true, all dependencies including linked dependencies are externalized.

Note that the explicitly listed dependencies (using string[] type) will always take priority if they're also listed in ssr.noExternal (using any type).


  • Type: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] | true
  • Related: SSR Externals

Prevent listed dependencies from being externalized for SSR, which they will get bundled in build. By default, only linked dependencies are not externalized (for HMR). If you prefer to externalize the linked dependency, you can pass its name to the ssr.external option.

If true, no dependencies are externalized. However, dependencies explicitly listed in ssr.external (using string[] type) can take priority and still be externalized. If 'node' is set, Node.js built-ins will also be externalized by default.

Note that if both ssr.noExternal: true and ssr.external: true are configured, ssr.noExternal takes priority and no dependencies are externalized.

  • Type: 'node' | 'webworker'
  • Default: node

Build target for the SSR server.


Defaults to the root resolve.conditions.

These conditions are used in the plugin pipeline, and only affect non-externalized dependencies during the SSR build. Use ssr.resolve.externalConditions to affect externalized imports.


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: []

Conditions that are used during ssr import (including ssrLoadModule) of externalized dependencies.

Released under the MIT License. (0eda2ea0)